My Future with Software Engineering

06 Sep 2019

Software Engineering is probably the most versatile career path you can take. From creating scripts, to designing a webpage, to even designing a video game, it’s all in the software. Most businesses these days cannot operate without the use of software to maintain their databases, run their websites, etc., etc. And, as a person with too many interests to count, I really do believe that I’ve found the right career path.

Versatility Brings Options

Realizing the versatility of Software Engineering was a revelation to me. Not only can I combine different paths of software engineering together (e.g. data analysis and fullstack web development), I can implement software engineering to literally any other career. Software engineering and business. Software engineering and creative media, or art. Software engineering with music. The possibilities are endless! I’m not stuck to doing just one thing for the rest of my life – I can have the background to expand to different career areas where software engineering is needed (and make money by doing so). I especially like the implementation of software engineering in business. I use this example very frequently, but interning at Caesars Entertainment (in Las Vegas, a place of booming business) really opened my eyes to it. I saw an entirely new light shed on csoftware engineering that wasn’t for writing basic scripts, or government work. Software engineering was everywhere in that city in the form of entertainment and, most importantly, business. It all came together in a (sinful) harmony.

Versatility Hopefully Doesn’t Mean Jack of All Trades, Master of None…

With that being said, my goal is to still be an expert in one (or two) areas so that I’m not struggling in the actual career field. I aspire to be a fullstack developer, as it evokes the balance of creativity and the logic within my skillset. I want to be able to not only create and design the webpage myself, but to also script the functionalities of the website as well. In addition, I hope to learn more about UX Design so that the content I create is within general interest and user-friendly.

I also want to become more familiar with data science and data analysis, so that I can create software that follows trends and patterns that can hopefully benefit someone or something. Society, even. Having a background in analyzing data can lead to the development of smarter, more optimized software.

I hope that in 10 years’ time, I’m doing the aforementioned above. Of all the passions I have in life, these two are the two paths that stick out the strongest.